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News Brief

Sept. 4, 2019St. Joseph, MO |  By: Will Linder

22 nursing students receive scholarships

The Heartland Foundation in St. Joseph honored 22 scholarship recipients from around northwest Missouri at their Board of Trustees meeting last week. Resources Coordinator Sandra Petit Weber says the awards are given to those who are seeking post-secondary education in nursing.

"Nationally, that's one of their focus points is to help support nurses here locally.  They did pick and it started off with other hospitals before it became MOSAIC."

Heartland awarded a total of $36,679 to local nursing students. Weber says the selection process is conducted by various allocated members from across Missouri.

"The applications, minus names and locations, with the scoring guides for each application are mailed out to our allocation team members.  They score them individually and then we have a meeting when they all come together, present their scores, and discuss and try to decide if there's somebody that needs to be dequeued or something like that."

For more information about the Heartland Foundation's work and scholarship program, visit